
Tadatmanam Srujamyaham
Sold By: Ishapashyanti Enterprises LLP
Author: Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi
Publication Date: Oct 2012
Publication Type: eBook
Price: Rs.125.00

In 'Tadatmanam Srujamyaham’ the bhakta listens, in all probability with his eyes closed in contentment, for all that falls on his ears is all that he craved to listen to. The call of the child in ‘Avahanam na Janami’ implies the love of the mother in ‘Tadatmanam Srujamyahm’ and is its anchor and refuge. ‘Tadatmanam Srujamyahm’ is the word of the One who listened to all that could be said and more.‘Tadatmanam Srujamyahm’ communicates that ‘He’ the Creator of all that be, is the Almighty but yet so close to every bhakta’s heart.


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