
Avahanam Na Janami
Sold By: Ishapashyanti Enterprises LLP
Author: Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi
Publication Date: Oct 2012
Publication Type: eBook
Price: Rs.100.00

‘Avahanam na Janami’, a work authored by Dr. Aniruddha Dhairyadhar Joshi is a conversation, intimate and honest - one that any of us common bhaktas wants to or rather ought to have with himself, with his Sadguru, with his closest friend. As we go through life, alternating between strife and success, hope and despair, joy and sorrow we need a hand to hold on to and share our happiness, a hand that reassures, a hand that wipes tears. We do cry out ardently, we know we can trust, we pour out our heart and reach out in love and also say ‘Avahanam na Janami’.


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